Puppet Experiments
Having constructed a prototype puppet as part of the design project for the text Deep Heat, I used this valuable resource to conduct a number of practical experiments. I used a range of household items including boxes and tables to create simple scenes and structures representing the set design. I used lamps, torches and a projector to experiment with light, shadows and projected images. To explore characterisation I manipulated the puppet to assess its range of movements and potential to play and express different characters.
Setting, Scenes & Shadows
Photographs demonstrating a range of scenes, puppet poses and shadow effects. I was interesting in creating a highly textured scene with different layers and levels.
Taking into consideration different characters in the book I experimenting with overlaying intense soundtracks and dynamic visual imagery to add mood. The video below contains some short extracts and just a sample of the different characters explored in this experiment.
Deep Heat : Projections from Amy Nicholson on Vimeo.
Characterisation, Narration & Text
This video demonstrates a few examples of characterisation using the Deep Heat Text including a short extract of the introduction by Robin Soans. It was particualrly interesting to notice how the texture of the puppet body added to the movement of the puppet as the lines and layers played tricks on the eye.
Please visit the portfolio page for a full overview of this concept design project.